Welcome to Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers! This is the page on our website where you will find some of the most valuable downloadable documents related to your services and employment needs. Some of the items include employment applications, which those who are seeking an exciting career in a number of growing industries. Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers is proud to offer its employment applications for the following jobs:
At Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers, we hire in only the very best process servers, mobile notaries, private investigators, expert witnesses, security guards, document retrieval specialists, and bodyguards around. We treat those who work with us extremely well, and we want them to know how valuable and important they are to us. Whether you are applying from Oklahoma or another state, we are always accepting applications! You will also find our client questionnaire on this page of our website. People most commonly used when someone is hiring one of our amazing process servers. This form that we ask you to fill out provides us with a bit of additional information about the person you want to have served. By completing the client questionnaire, you will give our process servers both here in Oklahoma and elsewhere invaluable information that will help them perform their job to the best of their ability. Thanks again for contacting Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers. If there is any form or other item you need that we can help you with, please just contact us. We are open twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days per week. You may easily reach us at (405) 593-3515 or at Info@ojpslegal.com.
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